Montreal, Quebec
Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.
Emerald Lake, AB
Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.
Toronto Skyline
Worried about fraudulent mortgages?
Our Title Searchers can check for you.
Trinity, NFLD
Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.
Saint John, N.B.
Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.
Vancouver, BC
Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.
Farm in P.E.I
Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.
Halifax, N.S.
Our experienced Title Searchers can help.
Alberta Prairie
Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.
Saskatchewan Legislative Building
Winnipeg, MB
Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.
What is a Title Search
A title search is a must before making any real estate purchase. Title searches ensure that the seller has the legal right to sell the property, and that there are no other encumbrances (such as liens, mortgages etc.) or property line issues that could prevent the buyer from taking full possession.Who Orders a Property Title Search In today’s busy world, law firms should use the services of a qualified freelance title searcher to do a title search rather than using in house staff. The legal secretaries in a law firm are very busy and by hiring an experienced title searcher, it allows for a more efficient office.
A title searcher is not distracted by a myriad of other jobs and can concentrate on the task at hand of title searching.
Besides a lawfirm, many other businesses may order property information. Businesses such as Banks, Financial institutions, Land Surveyors, Appraisers, Real Estate agents and investors, Insurance companies, Municipalitites, Paralegals, Private Investigators and others.
Private individuals may also want to check on their property title to....
Not all title searchers will do work for the general public.
What Is a Property Title Search? Title searching is the process of conducting a property title search. A property title search is a search conducted to look for outstanding encumbrances and title deficiencies as well as to confirm the owners name and state of land tenure, so that when a purchaser buys a property, the encumbrances and deficiencies are removed from title and the purchaser would have clear title. There are many things that a title searcher has to look for and to also be aware of laws affecting the search procedure, particularly for planning act issues. The following title search guidelines are based on Ontario standards (not a complete list of criteria.) If title searchers from other the provinces would like to comment on their provincial searching methods we would love to hear from you. A title search is conducted at the local registry office and reveals the following… (some searches can or can’t be conducted remotely on line) A Full Title Search
****After all the searching is done, a good title searcher will attach a summary report recap sheet listing all the deficiencies found on title. They may also upon your request also do a search of executions or just automatically do them as a part of their normal searching methods. A Sub Search usually is done to reveal only the following….
An Environmental Title Search which is done to check previous owners, lessees and anyone who might have had access to the property via easements for possible environmental issues,
Please note that because the Province of Ontario has purged most of the documents and all of the old abstract books from the local registries, that a lot of this information is only available to the title searcher, by researching micro film documents. These searches are more labour and time exhaustive and usually cost more. Historical Title Searches (for genealogy purposes) Please refer to our industry related links for each provinces list of