Halifax, N.S.

Our experienced Title Searchers can help.

Trinity, NFLD

Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.

Alberta Prairie

Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.


Saskatchewan Legislative Building

Winnipeg, MB

Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.

Farm in P.E.I

Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.

Vancouver, BC

Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.

Toronto Skyline

Worried about fraudulent mortgages?
Our Title Searchers can check for you.

Montreal, Quebec

Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.

Saint John, N.B.

Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.

Emerald Lake, AB

Our Experienced Title Searchers can help.



Q. When I create my account, why are there 2 areas for me to enter in my contact information?

A. The first page you see when you create an account is the registration page. This is for administrative purposes only.

     The second page is where you create your advertisement. This second page is crucial to fill in, at least up to the point of contact  information, so you can select your   package and which registries that you want to be associated with, before you can proceed to checkout. You can  enter the rest of the information for your advertisement at any time, before or after checkout.


Q. Can I add all my associated registries under one advertisement?

A. Yes.

  • Each advertising package 1 through to 15 equates to the number of Registries / Land Titles Offices you wish to advertise in and all prices include HST if applicable.
  • For advertising in more Registries / Land Titles Offices over and above the 15 registries shown, the cost is $11.00 more per registry.
  • For example, all 54 registries in Ontario costs $909.00 for a 1 year advertisement.
  • Advertisements can include registries right across Canada and costing is specific to the number of registries selected.

  Q. When I am trying to create my advertisement, there is a section called teaser and long description. What are these for?

 A. The teaser description area is for you to enter in a short description that would make any legal professional want to select your advertisement over that of another advertiser listed in the same registry. This short description appears only beside your name on the land registry and title searcher page when someone selects the registry they want a title searcher for. It will never appear in your advertisement page. 

 The longer description  should describe your services more fully and would appear only in your advertisement  page when someone views your advertisement. You could also consider putting your teaser  description in here as well so it appears in both places.

  Q. What placement  will my company name have in being displayed on the individual pages?

 A. All company names are rotated randomly  regardless of  the advertising package they have selected. This way it is more fair to all advertisers regardless of the package they have chosen.

Q. I want to advertise in more than one Province. Can I add all my registries  from different provinces under one advertisement listing and have only one invoice to take advantage of the nominal additional registry cost? 

A. Yes. First, create your account and then select your advertisement package level and then select your registries from the drop down box. All registries from across Canada are available in this drop down box. Once you have your registries selected you can go to "check out"  to see your invoice and the amount you owe.  Your account will not be activated to show online until payment has been recieved. Once you are activated, your advertisement will show up in every province that you have selected a registry from.

 Q. If I move or change registries that I work out of, can I change the registries I am associated with?

 A. Yes. Just go into  My Account, Select Registries section and then 'Swap' out the registries you don't need for the ones you do. Just one at a time though.

 Q. Can I make a reference of the website on my business cards and stationary?

A. An absolute, qualified YES!  We highly recommend and endorse a reference on all your business corrspondance. You might want to say....Website: www.titlesearchers.ca


 Q. I have forgotten my Password. How do I get a new password?

 AClick on Login at thebottom right hand corner of the website. 

  Under all the login boxes you will see…. 

Forgot your Password?  Click Here

 Click on this section and you will be taken to the next screen asking for you to enter in your e-mail address.

Click on submit.

You will be sent an automatic response from [email protected] with a new temporary password consisting of a string of characters (case sensitive)

 Now you can login again using this new temporary password. (as well as using your existing username)

Immediately go to Menu Options (on the left side of the screen) and click on My User Profile. 

 Here you will be able to change your password to something memorable to you.

***Your new temporary password is entered into the box that asks for your old password.***

Create your new password in the box below that and confirm.