Alberta Prairie

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Saskatchewan Legislative Building

Halifax, N.S.

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Trinity, NFLD

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Saint John, N.B.

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Emerald Lake, AB

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Winnipeg, MB

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Toronto Skyline

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Northwwest Territories Land Titles Office

Contact Information

Northwwest Territories Land Titles Office
First Floor, Stuart M. Hodgson Building 5009 - 49 th Street PO Box 1320
Yellowknife,Northwest Territories
X1A 2L9
Phone: (867) 767-9302
Fax: (867) 873-0243
Toll Free: (877) 743-3301

Title Searchers / Registry Agents that work out of this office:

We currently don't have any title searchers / registry agents listed, please check back soon.

Are you a title searcher / registry agent that works out of this office? Click here to advertise with us.

More Information:

This is the only Land Titles Office in the Northwest Territories.

Ownership to lands is in the form of a Certificate of Title.
All documents are still submitted in paper format by mail or in person.
They are in the process of scanning their documents for future electronic registration.