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Land Registries » Nunavut Land Titles Office
Nunavut Land Titles Office
Contact Information
Nunavut Land Titles Office Department of Justice Government of Nunavut P.O. Box 1000, Station 570 Iqaluit,Nunavut X0A 0H0 |
Phone: 867-975-6590 Fax: 867-975-6594 Email: [email protected] Website: www.justice.gov.nu.ca |
Title Searchers / Registry Agents that work out of this office:
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More Information:
This is the only Land Titles Office in the Territory of NunavutTitle is held by a Certificate of Title.
The Territory of Nunavut has started the modernization of the Land Titles system that includes the implementation of Electronic Registration. The first phase started in Sept. 2008 to facilitate searches and registrations to be accepted in PDF format vai e-mail.
Search requests must be forwarded to [email protected] There is a search format to be used.
All Registrations must be forwarded to [email protected]. there is a filing-registration format to be used.
Please check out the details on the website http://justice.gov.nu.ca (go to legal registries division)