Trinity, NFLD

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Winnipeg, MB

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Alberta Prairie

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Toronto Skyline

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Our Title Searchers can check for you.

Emerald Lake, AB

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Saskatchewan Legislative Building

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Farm in P.E.I

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Saint John, N.B.

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Lisa Leva

ACCURATE, RELIABLE, PROFESSIONAL Title Searcher with over 35 years experience. Providing a high quality standard of service for your real property searching needs for all Ontario LRO's.
Proficient using Teraview and E-Reg.

OAPSAR member, fully insured, references on request.

How to contact Lisa Leva

Lisa Leva

Lisa Leva
51 Livingstone Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
M6E 2L7

Phone: .
Cell Phone: 416-464-0085

Email: Lisa Leva at [email protected]

Services Lisa Leva Offers

  • Full Title Search - Land Titles at LRO
  • Full Title Search- 40 year registry search at LRO
  • Full Title Search - Remote Land Titles
  • Sub Searches - Land Titles at LRO
  • Sub Searches - Registry at LRO
  • Sub Searches - Remote Land Titles
  • Closings - Registry (Paper Registrations)
  • Land Titles First Application Searches
  • Environmental Searches
  • Historical Searches
  • Easement Searches
  • Land Assemblies
  • Land Titles Conversion Qualified (LTCQ) to Land Titles Plus
  • Registry Non- Converts

Registries Lisa Leva Works From

Registry Name Province
Metropolitan Toronto Land Registry (No. 64 & 66) Ontario
York Region Land Registry (NO.65) Ontario
Peel Land Registry (NO. 43) Ontario
Halton Land Registry (NO.20) Ontario
Simcoe Land Registry (NO. 51) Ontario
Wentworth Land Registry (NO. 62) Ontario
Algoma Land Registry (NO.01) Ontario
Perth Land Registry (N0. 44) Ontario
Lambton Land Registry (NO. 25) Ontario
Kent Land Registry (NO. 24) Ontario
Grey Land Registry (NO.16) Ontario
Norfolk Land Registry (NO.37) Ontario
Huron Land Registry (NO.22) Ontario
Oxford Land Registry (No.41) Ontario
Waterloo Land Registry (NO. 58) Ontario
Elgin Land Registry (NO.11) Ontario
Middlesex Land Registry (NO.33) Ontario
Brant Land Registry (NO.02) Ontario
Wellington Land Registry (NO. 61) Ontario
Bruce Land Registry (NO. 03) Ontario
Dufferin Land Registry (NO. 07) Ontario
Essex Land Registry ( NO.12) Ontario
Ottawa-Carleton Land Registry (NO.04/05) Ontario
Lanark Land Registry (NO.27) Ontario
Leeds Land Registry (NO.28) Ontario
Lennox Land Registry (NO. 29) Ontario
Russell Land Registry (NO. 50) Ontario
Prince Edward Land Registry (NO.47) Ontario
Glengarry Land Registry (NO. 14) Ontario
Dundas Land Registry (NO. 08) Ontario
Frontenac Land Registry (NO.13) Ontario
Prescott Land Registry (NO.46) Ontario
Renfrew Land Registry (NO. 49) Ontario
Grenville Land Registry (NO.15) Ontario
Stormont Land Registry (NO.52) Ontario
Hastings Land Registry (NO.21) Ontario
Cochrane Land Registry (NO. 06) Ontario
Manitoulin Land Registry (NO.31) Ontario
Haliburton Land Registry (NO. 19) Ontario
Lindsay Land Registry (NO. 57) (formerly Victoria) Ontario
Nipissing Land Registry (NO.36) Ontario
Sudbury Land Registry (NO.53) Ontario
Muskoka Land Registry (NO. 35) Ontario
Temiskaming Land Registry (NO. 54) Ontario
Parry Sound Land Registry (NO. 42) Ontario
Peterborough Land Registry (NO. 45) Ontario
Rainy River Land Registry (NO. 48) Ontario
Thunder Bay Land Registry (NO. 55) Ontario
Kenora Land Registry (NO. 23) Ontario
Northumberland Land Registry (NO. 39) Ontario
Niagara North (NO. 30) and Niagara South (NO. 59) Land Registries Ontario
Haldimand Land Registry (NO. 18) Ontario
Durham Land Registry (NO. 40) Ontario